Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Temple Races- Kyoto Japan

this will be a short blog because I am dead tired. Its only 5pm and we went to 4 temples/palaces/castles today! about 45 min per place... and we sprinted thru the entire place just to get a look at it! So exciting tho... last one was amazing... Nina-ji(?) maybe... i'll check on that later... so much fun. and as per justins request I got postcards at each temple and I have stamps to send them home only 70yen! 7 cents!
And on top of that we all got books that fold out so people at the temples can do calligraphy in them at each temple we visit... pretty sweet. then we took a detour to see a kimono fashion show.. then back to our home in kyoto. oh ya, Beijing update is that we all are probably going to change our flights from japan to shanghai and just go from japan to Beijing for a day and then to shanghai. He said we could see all the major things in a day and then get back to Shanghai. Plus it will only be about $150. not too shabby. Today was long but amazing... last night was crazy too, first drinking night and me trying to navigate the Kyoto subway system... we made it tho! Anywho more to come later and I swear I will upload pics soon!


Anonymous said...

i think im blog-illiterate. how do you subscribe? like can it send me an email when you update?

mdcizek said...

Don't spend all your money at Avanti. What's shopping like there ? The rooms look neat and compact at the Ryokan. How fast was the train ride.
I'd be freaked at the long tunnels.
long tunnels____________ so your the public trans queen, are the station names in english? I spose it doesn't matter after a raw fish and a couple of sakis. No Karaoke
L+K Dad