Monday, July 14, 2008

KL Update

Full swing studio mode... we have to be done by the 4th... ahhh so yes there will be less calling home and less updating of the blog I am sorry to say :( Plus internet is crazy and we rarely get it... oh well. Our concept was approved today yay! We weren't even sure that we had a concept... haha... our studio group is doing really well and i think we will be creating an interesting yet feasible project for the Iban. Oh! my atm card got eaten! I was trying to get money out and it took my card and semi spit it out and it read "verifying account" so i was like... ok... ill let it verify... and then it ate it and said "your card has been retained"... i was like oh thanks for telling me. And it was a Sunday so I couldn't do anything. I decided to not cancel it in hopes that I could get it back from the machine this morning which luckily i did... after describing the card, handing over my id and doing a signature check... phew! Went to an insane massage the other day where I think she put me in pain each time she did anything... other than that we have been in studio a lot, fast-forwarding the design process. Haven't taken any new pictures really, I'll try to. My trek to studio each morning is basically either thru campus or thru a semi-jungle... actually our hotel, hostel residence is set within the jungle and there are tonnnnnnnnns of monkeys running around and on our balconies. Luckily I am on the not so jungle side so they don't come over to our room... at least I think so. My partner was saying that they are very smart monkeys that use straws to drink things and live on campus because there is a lot of food for them. I think we have hit every decent bar in KL that you dont have to pay to get in to... still no one there until we come... most have live bands so thats entertaining. Other than that I'll be home in less than a month! My parter asked if i missed home... and I do but I guess I'm used to being away from home... especially because someone hasn't moved to california *cough* chi parents *cough*... I've come to realize I'm a nomad and can adapt to wherever I am... especially denmark... thats my newest place to venture off to.. :) why denmark? well look at (website) and you shall see why


mdcizek said...

Chi parents are back home from the condo. The week in the Ozarks went by really fast. We did the usual fun stuff. Floating in the pool with book and deckers, boating to bars, outlet shopping (we found two lions - cement, not real), Randy's turtles (frozen yogurt) and tubing. We all went tubing or water skiing except Dad. You know how hard it is to get him in the water ! We did miss all the late nights with the younger folks. We celebrated Mark, John and Dad's birthdays but it wasn't the same since you weren't there too. I'm glad to see you all are beginning to get into the studio routine. Tell us more about the concept of your design. Well I better go now since I have to go back to work tomorrow! I see that my world traveler has learned that 'home' is not so much a location but where your heart is. I miss you much. Love, M & D.

Unknown said...

Well, I had a chance to catch up with the party in Asia. I am happy you had a real party. Please send a picture of your concept. Just take a photo of the sketch or computer screen.
I am sorry the Chi parents are so stubborn about moving to Cali. I am personally going to scold them. Of course that will be over a bucket of beer when I see them. So if you Chi people are reading be ready.
I missed all the birthdays thats not right. Happy birthday to all 5 missed.
All funning aside, I miss you. I share your worldly adventures with all my friends. I am like you in many ways. I am comfortable everywhere. If not I get up and move on. I like cake and beer.

I call HB home because everyone I love is here (or will be soon)a month for you and who knows for the Chi parents.
Chi mom is right follow your heart you will be happy and you will always find your way home.

Love you always HB Mom and Dad