Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy b-day to me! Last night we went to the bar at the Westin for some salsa dancing and drinks at midnight… stayed out much later than expected. This morning we went for dim sum with uncle k k and tonight he is organizing a dinner party at his friend’s restaurant then maybe karaoke and club later. Some of the Malaysian students should be joining us also. Until then I think I’ll go shop for some presents  Mom reminded me that it’s the first birthday without the parentals in well 22 years… I have a surrogate family here with everyone though so it should be a good time. Hope you all are celebrating my b-day back home too! Have some cheesecake for me… still haven’t been able to find a real cheesecake in Asia. I’ll try to upload the last batch of pictures… should be a random bunch too… petronas towers, view from our hotel in borneo, orangutan pics, Malaysian dancing, our last three beds in the longhouse because we slept in, us attempting traditional dancing, boys playing soccer volleyball with the local iban, random longhouse shots, and a puppy pic that looks like teddy. They wont be in that order but I’m sure you can figure it out. Until next time ttfn… as chi dad would say.

1 comment:

USCurtin said...

I'm confused about which pics are your beds. Anywho, Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a good time!