Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome to China- Shanghai & Beijing, China

We came into Shanghai, China on the 1st and our hotel is amazing, I am sitting in our office/living room writing this and we also have a separate bedroom and huge bath with a hot tub all for the 2 of us… such a change from laying on the floor of Tatami mats! Shanghai is… intense. I love the crazy amounts of people pushing running and trying to sell you knock offs. I have adjusted to the air quality or lack there of and we went out for ice cream at night which was sooooooooo good. We just got back from our last minute trip to Beijing. We left at 6am this morning and just got back now at 1am with a 2 hour flight to and back from Beijing. So in a summary here is what we did with our 11 hours in Beijing:
Fly to Beijing
Great wall- 1hr to climb up and fall back down
Emperor’s Summer Palace
Olympic Stadium Drive by- 10 min to run out and snap shots of the aquatics center (water cube) and the main stadium (the birds nest)
Tiananmen Square
CCTV drive by
Fly to Shanghai

A lot of people said it couldn’t be done and a lot of others thought it wouldn’t be worth it but believe me it was. We all survived the great wall and the entire crazy day. Tomorrow, or rather later today we meet up with Asia 2 so that will make 42 of us going crazy in China.


TeamSplashi said...

Excellent photos, thank you for sharing with us.

Kate said...

Awesome PICs of Beijing. You guys should get some kind of Olympic endurance metal for that 11 hour day. I guess studio hours are great training for it! Did you see the fire at Universal studios on CNN? It was huge and LA didn't have enough water pressure! They lost the set to 'Back to the Future' and 'King Kong' but any films they lost they had backups for. Chicago finally has some beautiful 80 degree weather. Keep on trucking and enjoy your travels ! LOL Mom

USCurtin said...

I'm super jealous that you got to climb the Great Wall!!!!! I still can't get over it.... yay for Bullet Runs to Beijing! Oh, and you need to check out the Kevin and Bean Podcast for Tuesday June 3. They called China to ask about their crazy rules for the Olympics. They also talked about other stuff related to your trip... it was hilarious!
Love you!